"Comedy horror is a literary and film genre that combines elements of comedy and horror fiction. Comedy horror has been described as able to be categorized under three types: "black comedy, parody and spoof." The genre almost inevitably crosses over with the black comedy genre."
The comedy horror films I chose to study was the 2014 release of A Haunted House 2.
It follows on as a sequal to A Haunted House, and tells the story of a man name Malcolm moving into a new house with his new girlfriend and her two kids, trying to escape his past horrors of what occured in the previous movie. He begins to realise that his new house has some horrors of its own, and Malcolm is once again plagued by bizarre paranormal events.
This fits in with the comedy horror sub genre because it parodies alot of popular modern horror movies and gives them a funny twist, add that along with its crude and overacted scares, it proves to audiences that comedy and horror and go hand in hand when portrayed on the big screen.
It follows on as a sequal to A Haunted House, and tells the story of a man name Malcolm moving into a new house with his new girlfriend and her two kids, trying to escape his past horrors of what occured in the previous movie. He begins to realise that his new house has some horrors of its own, and Malcolm is once again plagued by bizarre paranormal events.
This fits in with the comedy horror sub genre because it parodies alot of popular modern horror movies and gives them a funny twist, add that along with its crude and overacted scares, it proves to audiences that comedy and horror and go hand in hand when portrayed on the big screen.
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