Wednesday 1 November 2017

Preliminary Short Film Evaluation

For my preliminary task I worked with Henry, we decided to make a short comedy horror following the attack of a Jamaican woman called Vera by a crazed masked phsycopath killer wielding a fork.

The opening is a tracking shot to medium close up of Vera with the added non-diegetic sound of a heart beat. This is used to create tension for the viewer, she proceeds to then turn around and scream which then switches the audience to thinking they are in the POV of the killer.

The following shot is a wide angle of Vera being chased down the corridor by the killer, this shot is effective as it shows both characters in one and also helps the viewer gain perspective of the narrative.

We used a POV shot here to put the viewer in the position of the killer to test and see if it is an effective shot type to use in our final film, depending on the film we end up making a POV shot could be useful.

We tested the idea of a tracking shot of the killer next as he approaches Vera, this is an extremely effective shot to use in any horror film in my opinion as it allow the audience to move with the person in shot and gain a closer perspective to both whats happening in frame and the narrative.

To show the attack itself we used a medium shot to get everything we wanted in frame, this helped us manipulate whats on screen to our advantage and use what is the longest shot in our prelim as and effective way to progress the film for the viewer.

The final and closing shot of our prelim is a close up of the killers face as it is revealed that the mask he is wearing just covers up another mask, we used a close up here in order to show the details of his face to the viewer that wouldn't be visible in another shot variable, as the shot prolongs an eery sound is heard that was added post production and the film cuts to black.

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